New York Priest Abuse Lawsuits For Survivors of Adult Abuse
New York’s Adult Survivors Act creates a “look back” window for people who were abused in New York after they turned 18. The window will last one year, from November 24, 2022, to November 24, 2023. During this time, clergy abuse survivors can file abuse lawsuits, even if their case would otherwise be barred by New York’s statute of limitations.
Governor Kathy Hochul signed this bill into law on May 24, 2022. Its “look back” provision is similar to the one the CVA provided to survivors who were abused as children. Under the Adult Survivors Act, people may file civil lawsuits against clergy members who abused them. They may also file against churches or dioceses who enabled or protected abusers.
The Adult Survivors Act gives clergy abuse survivors an important opportunity to seek justice. It can take victims years to talk about their abuse. Some survivors may need time to come to terms with their experiences. Or it may take time for them to feel it is safe enough to report their abuse.
This new New York law acknowledges these realities by reviving time-barred civil lawsuits. The Adult Survivors Act gives survivors abused as adults new legal options and an opportunity for compensation, if that abuse occurred in New York.
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New York Priest Abuse Lawsuits For Survivors Of Childhood Abuse
By passing the CVA, New York lawmakers expanded the legal deadlines for child sexual abuse claims. Additionally, the CVA opened a one-year “look back” window that revived time-barred abuse cases. These expanded deadlines allowed more survivors to file clergy sex abuse lawsuits in the state of New York.
When New York opened its one-year “look back” window, victims filed more than 400 lawsuits on the first day. As of May 2022, survivors have filed more than 11,000 lawsuits against the New York Catholic dioceses. Additionally, four of the eight New York dioceses filed for bankruptcy amid the growing number of claims.
Many clergy abuse survivors have received compensation and a sense of justice through legal action. New York’s “look back” window closed on August 14, 2021. Now that the “look-back” window is closed, survivors of childhood sexual abuse must follow the relevant state legal deadlines to file a claim.
Clergy Abuse Settlements In New York
Throughout the years, the New York dioceses have paid hundreds of clergy abuse survivors through clergy abuse settlements and compensation fund payouts.
For example, the Albany Diocese has reportedly paid more than $9 million to settle the abuse claims of nearly 100 survivors. One of these settlements paid $997,500 to a single survivor in 1997.
By 2019, the Ogdensburg Diocese had reportedly paid a total of $5 million in settlements.
2018 | Brooklyn Diocese Pays $27.5 Million Settlement
In September 2018, the Brooklyn Diocese agreed to pay $27.5 million to settle claims with four clergy abuse survivors. Each survivor received nearly $7 million. An unnamed after-school program also contributed to the settlement.
New York Dioceses Compensation Funds
In an effort to compensate victims and avoid costly lawsuits, the Catholic dioceses of New York each created a victim compensation program. According to the Democrat & Chronicle, in just two years, these programs resolved more than 1,260 claims of sexual misconduct across the state of New York. The programs paid more than $228 million in compensation to settle victims’ claims.
These programs are no longer taking claims. However, if a victim was abused by a Catholic clergy member in the New York dioceses, they may file a lawsuit against the responsible diocese.
Diocese | Settlement | Victims |
Albany Diocese | $3,000,000 | 40+ |
Brooklyn Diocese | $90,000,000 | Unknown |
Buffalo Diocese | $17,500,000 | 100+ |
New York Archdiocese | $64,000,000 | 300+ |
Ogdensburg Diocese | $5,500,000 | 39 |
Rochester Diocese | Unknown | Unknown |
Rockville Centre Diocese | Unknown | Unknown |
Syracuse Diocese | $10,922,500 | 79 |
New York Dioceses Bankruptcies
Currently, four of the eight Catholic dioceses in New York have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy due to sexual abuse allegations. These dioceses are four of more than twenty dioceses or religious orders that have filed for bankruptcy in the United States.
Chapter 11 bankruptcy is used to protect businesses that are struggling financially. The process evaluates and reorganizes a business’ assets. In doing so, a business can pay off debts while maintaining enough capital to continue functioning properly.
The Diocese of Ogdensburg has also considered filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy due to a large number of pending abuse lawsuits and the related budgetary issues.
Buffalo Diocese Bankruptcy
In February 2020, the Diocese of Buffalo filed for bankruptcy. Abuse survivors were required to file a claim with the bankruptcy court by the bar date—August 14, 2021. This bar date was set to intentionally coincide with the filing end date of the Child Victims Act “look back” window.
A bar date in a bankruptcy proceeding is the deadline for creditors (victims) to file a claim with the court.
Rochester Diocese Bankruptcy
In September 2019, the Diocese of Rochester filed for bankruptcy. Abuse survivors were required to file a bankruptcy claim against the Diocese of Rochester by August 13, 2020.
Rockville Centre Diocese Bankruptcy
In October 2020, the Diocese of Rockville Centre filed for bankruptcy. Abuse survivors were required to file a claim with the bankruptcy court by August 14, 2021. This bar date intentionally coincided with the filing end date of the Child Victims Act “look back” window.
Syracuse Diocese Bankruptcy
In June 2020, the Diocese of Syracuse filed for bankruptcy. Abuse survivors were required to file a bankruptcy claim against the Syracuse Diocese by April 15, 2021.
Child Sex Abuse Statutes Of Limitations In New York
In February 2019, lawmakers signed the New York Child Victims Act (CVA) into law. This act expanded legal protections for victims of child sexual abuse in two significant ways:
- The CVA extended the statute of limitations to file criminal and civil charges against a sexual abuser.
- The CVA opened a “look back” window during which any sexual abuse survivor could file a civil claim against their abuser.
A statute of limitations (SOL) is a type of law that defines a legal deadline. SOLs vary based on the jurisdiction, the crime and the intended legal action (i.e., criminal charges versus a civil claim).
Civil Statutes For Child Sex Abuse In New York
Survivors of child sexual abuse may file a civil claim anytime until they reach the age of 55. Before the CVA, survivors had to file a civil claim before turning 23.
This new civil statute is not retroactive. Alone, the statute fails to revive many older cases of abuse in New York State. To remedy this issue and help time-barred survivors, lawmakers included a legal “look back” window in the CVA.
An experienced New York priest abuse lawyer can help you file a clergy abuse claim under the correct statute.
New York’s “Look Back” Window For Survivors Abused as Children
Apart from extending the legal deadline to file claims, the CVA opened a one-year “look back” window.
For one year, anyone in the state of New York who was sexually abused as a child could file a civil claim against their abuser. This included victims with older, expired cases who would not otherwise have been able to file a lawsuit, even according to the newer statutes.
The one-year window opened on August 14, 2019. The window was originally scheduled to close on August 13, 2020. However, state lawmakers extended the window amid court disruptions caused by COVID-19.
In May 2020, former Governor Cuomo announced a five-month extension for the window. Later that month, New York State lawmakers in the Senate and Assembly passed legislation to extend the “look back” window further by one year. Cuomo signed this bill into law on August 3, 2020.
The CVA’s “look back” window closed on August 14, 2021. Survivors filed more than 11,000 lawsuits in a four-year period.
Criminal Statutes For Child Sex Abuse In New York
In the state of New York, two types of criminal charges relate to child sexual abuse. Depending on the severity of the crime, sexual abuse may be categorized as a felony or a misdemeanor. The CVA adopted two different criminal statutes based on the severity of the crime.
Felony – Felony charges against an abuser can be filed anytime until the victim turns 28 years old. Before the CVA was enacted, criminal felony charges could not be filed after a victim reached 23 years of age.
Misdemeanor – Misdemeanor charges must be filed before the victim reaches the age of 25. Before the CVA, misdemeanor charges were only valid until a victim reached 20 years of age.
If a victim reports abuse to law enforcement, state prosecutors may choose to press criminal charges against the abuser.
List Of Priests Accused Of Abuse In NY
This list includes the names of clergy members and New York priests accused of abuse.
It does not include staff members, volunteers or congregation members accused of abuse in the New York dioceses. However, you may still be able to file a claim against your abuser.
If you or a loved one has been abused by a Catholic priest or clergy member in the state of New York, contact us now about your legal rights. We want to hear from you and help you obtain the justice you deserve.
Survivors May Be Eligible For Compensation
Learn About Filing a Lawsuit in New York
There Are 183 Accused Clergy Members From The Archdiocese Of New York, NY:
- Adamo, Joseph
- Albino, John C.
- Anne, Sister
- Ansaldi, Joseph
- Baisi, Linda
- Barjacoba, Peter
- Barry, Edward
- Bazalar, Juan
- Betances-Torres, Martin
- Bisaillon, Joseph Giles
- Bokulich, Dominic (Br Leopold
- Boschetto, Laurence
- Boxelaar, George
- Boyle, Francis V.
- Brady, John Joseph
- Brady, Timothy
- Brennan, Robert J.
- Bucci, Louis Anthony
- Byrne, Harry J.
- Calabrese, Daniel A.
- Carbo, Richard
- Carden, Robert
- Carr, Cornelius J.
- Carroll, Maurice
- Carson, David L.
- Carson, John F.
- Cassiero, Daniel
- Cavalconte, Charles
- Clark, Joseph M.
- Clyne, Vincent
- Coen, Charles P.
- Colleran, Kevin
- Connolly, Eugene
- Coppinger, John W.
- Croston, Daniel
- Cullen, Bernard
- Cunningham, Thomas
- D'Argenio, Herbert
- Dickson, Donald
- Dobransky, Edward
- Donovan, John J./Br Ronald
- Dougherty, Daniel M.
- Drake, Roy A.
- Duenas, Jaime (James)
- Eremito, Anthony Joseph
- Fajardo, Ricardo
- Fennessy, Keith
- Fitzgerald, Joseph
- Flaherty, John
- Flanagan, Edward
- Flanagan, John D.
- Fox, Vincent
- Fusco, Albin D.
- Gaffney, Thomas J.
- Gallagher, Kevin
- Gallant, Alfred F.
- Gallant, John P.
- Galligan, Damian
- Gentile, Gennaro/Jerry
- Gerathy, Kenneth
- Gibbons, Thomas
- Giuliano, Anthony J.
- Golden, Matthew
- Gordon, Lawrence
- Gorman, Richard
- Greene, William T.
- Harrington, John M.
- Harris, Wallace A.
- Harrison, Robert
- Haverty, John
- Heide, Herman
- Hennessy, Paul Kevin
- Herlihy, Joseph Reginald
- Hickey, Joseph W.
- Hicks, Eugene
- Horan, Walter Hubert Maria
- Hyland, Raymond A.
- Inzeo, Lawrence C.
- Jeffers, Robert A.
- Jenik, John Joseph
- Jesselli, Kenneth A.
- Jones, Carleton Parker
- Kavanagh, Charles M.
- Kelly, Kevin
- Kelly, Stephen
- Kelly, Timothy
- Kennington, Jack
- Kiarie, Peter
- Kihm, Peter J.
- Kilkenny, Louis-Bertrand
- Kreiser, Thomas L.
- Kuhl, Morgan J.
- LaBelle, Ralph W.
- LeBar, James J.
- Lennon, John W.
- Leone, Arthur T.
- Liguori (Ligouri), James A.
- Logue, Francis
- Lott, Robert V.
- Luciano, William J.
- Lynch, Bernard
- Lynch, John J.
- Maffei, Joseph
- Malone, Donald T.
- Mangan, Eugene
- Manzione, Arthur
- Marino, Umberto
- Martin, Patrick H.
- Mary Andrew, Sister
- Mathews, Stanley
- Mazza, Albert J.
- McCarrick (Cardinal), Theodore
- McCarthy, James F.
- McCarthy, John Joseph
- McCormick, Richard J.
- McDonagh, Charles
- McGirr, Charles
- McGovern, Robert B.
- McGuiness, Joseph Ignatius
- McLucas, James
- McNeill, Lawrence
- McSherry, Thomas Philip
- Meehan, John T.
- Melican, Mortimer
- Mills, Henry
- Murphy, Arthur E.
- Netter, Edmund W.
- Nohilly, Thomas
- Nowak, Randolph
- O'Brien, Edward J.
- O'Brien, Eugene J
- O'Brien, John Francis
- O'Brien, William B.
- O'Connell, Kenneth F.
- O'Connor, John Justin
- O'Herlihy, Michael D.
- O'Keefe, John
- Paddack, John N.
- Parrakow, Edmond A.
- Parsons, Harold
- Pfieffer, James
- Phillips, Thomas
- Pintado Herrera, Jorge Patricio
- Pipala, Edward A.
- Pliauplis, Christopher
- Post, Robert
- Quigley, Dominic
- Quigley, Patrick W.
- Quinn, Lawrence J.
- Quinn, Lawrence T.
- Raimondo, Michael
- Reinheimer, George E.
- Rios, Louis J. (Luis)
- Ritter, Bruce
- Rodriguez, Esteban
- Rodriguez, Ruben
- Rooney, Sean Leo
- Roos, Edward M.
- Rosemarie, Sister
- Ryan, Joseph
- Sardy, John
- Scheneman, Alan
- Shine, Raymond
- Stinner, Francis
- Sullivan, Daniel J.L.
- Sullivan, Paul V.
- Taglienti, Vincent
- Tamburrino, James
- Taylor, Samuel
- Theisen (Thiesen), Joseph L.
- Timone, Donald G.
- Tos, Aldo J.
- Vasquez-Erazo, Jorge Luis
- Walsh, James
- Weber, Edward J.
- Weckbach, Joseph
- Welby, James
- Whelan (Whalen), Donald J.
- White, James E.
- White, William T.
- Wilkinson, John V,
- Williams, William E.
- Wolf, Casper G.
There Are 78 Accused Clergy Members From The Diocese Of Albany, NY:
- Adams, Anthony
- Benedict Marie, Sister
- Bentley, David G.
- Bertolucci, John Patrick
- Bondi, Paul
- Boucher, Anthony
- Broderick, John W.
- Brown, Douglas
- Casey, Liam
- Cawlings, Neil
- Celeste, Charles R.
- Connolly, John F.
- Cronin, Michael
- Curran, Anthony
- DelVecchio, Albert E.
- Di Pasquale, Ralph
- Dicerbo, Almerico
- DiMaggio, Joseph F.
- Douglas, Louis E.
- Ermlich, Ferdinand
- Estabrook, Joseph W.
- Ethier, Raymond J.
- Fitzpatrick, John F.
- Garcia, Angel
- Genevive, Frank M.
- George, Thomas
- Gilmartin, Thomas R.
- Gilmour, Edward
- Gulley, Anthony David
- Guzielek, Ladislaus
- Haight, Mark
- Hanney, James Vincent
- Hatela, Robert Stephen
- Heim, William J.
- Hubbard (Bp)., Howard J.
- Jones, Richard
- Jupin, Alan D.
- Kampfer, Gerald D.
- Kelly, James E.
- Keyrouze, Joseph
- Kranch, Peter
- LeFevre, Robert J.
- Leroux, Edward N.
- Losee, Regina
- Maher, Daniel J.
- Mancuso, Joseph A.
- Mataconis, Richard (Philip?)
- McDermott, James
- McDevitt, James J.
- McMahon, Sean
- McNerney, James R.
- Mea, John
- Melfe, Francis P.
- Mercure, Gary J.
- Miller, Gerard R.
- Miller, Michael J.
- Minkler, John
- Murphy, Clement Adan
- Nunan, Jeremiah
- O'Connor, John
- Ophals, Donald J.
- Phillips, John
- Pizzutti, Lawrence
- Pratt, Edward C.
- Puello, George
- Purcell, Robert H.
- Rodino, Salvatore (Samuel)
- Romano, Joseph R.
- Rosch, James J.
- Ryan, Francis X.
- Severson, Richard A.
- Shinos, Robert S.
- Slavin, William M.
- Starks, Donald
- Starks, R. Mansfield
- Taylor, James (Michael)
- Urban, Carl A.
- Wilson, Dozia J.
There Are 142 Accused Clergy Members From The Diocese Of Brooklyn, NY:
- Abrams, John L.
- Acciarito, Anthony
- Agostino, Joseph V.
- Akuzie, Bennet
- Arnaud, Eugene
- Aufiero, Louis
- Authenrieth, William
- Baker, David/Bro. Felix
- Bals, John
- Barto, Mary Juanita
- Bedoya, Hugo
- Brady, Thomas F.
- Brennan, Edward C.
- Brocado, Joseph/Bro. Romanus
- Brocato, Joseph F.(Romanus)
- Burke, Edward
- Burns, William M.
- Butteri, Masseo
- Byrns, Joseph P.
- Cadavid Arroyave, Roberto Antonio
- Callahan, Brian F.X.
- Capellupo, Francis J. (Frank)
- Capillo, John D.
- Capua, Nicholas J.
- Coleman, Christopher Lee
- Collins, James P.
- Congdon, Patrick D/Br Douglas
- Connolly, Eugene A.
- Conroy, Michael C.
- Cortez, Augusto
- Cox, Harold T.
- Cross, John
- Crowley, Lawrence
- Cummings, William
- Dempsey, Michael J.
- Denning, Joseph P. (Bishop)
- Diaz Jimenez, Enrique
- Dougherty, Thomas David
- Dwyer, John R.
- Evans, Francis
- Failla, Anthony J.
- Ferraro, Romano J.
- Ferro, Robert A.
- Finger, William E.
- Frost, James I. J.
- Gallo, Vincent
- Garcia, Otto L.
- Gillen, Francis
- Gillis, Leo/Br Wenceslaus
- Gotimer, James
- Gowdy, James
- Guiry, Robert
- Hagerty, Thomas
- Hassan, Joseph
- Hauser, John
- Houston, William
- Huckemeyer, Edward J.
- Keller, Brian
- Kelly, Thomas F.
- King, Michael
- Klein, Adolph
- Kraus, Charles
- Lahey, Joseph
- Lara, James R./Jaime
- Lewkiewicz, Richard
- Loringhitus, John J.
- Lukianiuk, Andrezj
- Maher, Alphonsus
- Mangini, Charles M.
- Manozzi, Rudolph
- Manzo, Francis J.
- Maurer, Edward L.
- McCloud, Henry J.
- McConnin, Robert J.
- McCue, Webster J.
- McElroy, Herbert J.
- McGlynn, William
- McLoughlin, John
- McLoughlin, John G.
- McMahon, John/Bro Damian
- McNicholas, Edward J.
- Minichello, Arthur
- Morrow, Lewis
- Morrow, Thomas O.
- Mulhall, Francis X.
- Nelson, Francis X.
- O'Brien, James T.
- O'Lone, Francis/Br Remigius
- O'Reilly, Ben
- O'Rourke, Thomas J.
- O'Toole, Patrick Fursey
- Ocloo, Anthony
- Offenheiser, Edward W
- Osborne, Martin
- Otero, Cornelius T. (Neil)
- Padian, John
- Petroski, Ronald P.
- Pinke, Richard
- Placa, Stephen
- Plock, Charles
- Powers, Edward/Bro. Kyrin
- Prochaski, Adam
- Pugliese, Joseph
- Purcell, Arthur D.
- Raveneau, Ricardo
- Reilly, Francis
- Rettino, Wm/Br Vincent DePaul
- Richmond, Howard J./H. Joseph
- Rodriguez, Robert
- Russo, James E.
- Ryan, Barry
- Salamone, Michael J.
- Salerno, Michael
- Schuck, Joseph
- Sexton, Patrick O.
- Sforza, Vincent
- Sheehan, Daniel J.
- Sickler, James G.
- Simonetti, Gennaro
- Smith, James T.
- Smyth, James P.
- Soares, Protasio
- Soister, John
- Stack, George J.
- Stonebridge, John
- Strianese, Frederick
- Sullivan, James E.
- Tahaney, James
- Thompson, John A.
- Titone, Robert A.
- Tugwood, James C.
- Vazhappily, Paul
- Verrengio, Rocco
- Voiland, George
- Walsh, Edward
- Weber, Joseph J.
- Wicks, Kenneth
- Wilders, George
- Wildgruber, Francis
- Yander, Benjamin
- Zatarga, George F.
- Zollo, Vincent A.
There Are 116 Accused Clergy Members From The Diocese Of Buffalo, NY:
- Aurelio, John R.
- Barkenquest, Lehr J.
- Barszcz, Benedict P.
- Baumgarten, Francis X.
- Becker, Donald W.
- Bernardo, Valerio
- Bialkowski, David W.
- Biesinger, Robert J
- Brzezniak, Aurelian W.
- Burson, James
- Claudia, Sister
- Conlin, Robert P.
- Conroy, J. Peter
- Coppola, Paul R.
- Cotter, James H
- Dewey, Denman
- Dolinic, Louis
- Fafinski, Donald S
- Fagowski, Edwin
- Faraci, Douglas F
- Fimbel, Duane G.
- Fingerle, Fred G
- Freeman, Michael R.
- Friel, Joseph P.
- Friel, Mark M.
- Fronczak, Dennis A.
- Gambino, Joseph
- Gould, James C.
- Green, Gerard Leo
- Gresock, Thomas G
- Haggerty, James Cairnan
- Hajduk, John P
- Harrington, Michael J.
- Hatrick, Brian M.
- Hayes, James P.
- Hendricks, Louis J.
- Hennessy, Linus
- Herberger, Roy
- Higgins, J. Grant
- Hogan, Francis T.
- Holbel, Sylvester J.
- Idziak, Stanley Dominic
- Ingalls, Fred D.
- Ipolito, Pascal D.
- Jasinski, Florian A
- Jasinski, Gerald C.
- Judd, Richard P.
- Julia/Julieta, Sister
- Juran, Michael P.
- Kazmierczak, Edward L.
- Keeling, Paul M.
- Kelley, Timothy J
- Kemp, Thomas L
- Kempczynski, John
- Keppeler, Richard J
- Kocian, Theodore
- Kopczewski, Linus E.
- Kowalewski, Paul J.
- Leising, Frederick D.
- Lewandowski, John D.
- Lewandowski, Michael M.
- Mach, Bernard M (Corky)
- Maguire, Stephen
- Martlock, Loville N.
- Maryanski, Fabian
- Maynard, Rene
- McCarthy, Thomas J
- McKenna, Francis
- Mendola, Patrick J.
- Mierzwa, Ronald
- Mooney, Vincent
- Moss, Robert D.
- Nogaro, Paul M.
- Nowak, Jeffrey L.
- Ormsby, Basil A.
- Orsolits, Norbert F.
- Palys, Daniel J.
- Pavlock, Martin L
- Peter, David J.
- Popadick, Peter J.
- Rappl, Joseph
- Reddy, Leo F.
- Riter, Dennis G.
- Ronald, Roy K.
- Rutter, Luke
- Ryan, John M.
- Sajdak, Ronald
- Sardina, John J.
- Schieder, Joseph E.
- Schuster, Joseph A.
- Sheehan, Gerald P.
- Silverio, Ronald T.
- Slack, Howard B.
- Smith, Arthur J.
- Smyczynski, Gerard A
- Smyka, James
- Snyder, Clatus E.
- Spielman, James A.
- Splawski, Bernard
- Stachewicz, Chester S
- Stanton, William George
- Stolinski, Robert A.
- Strassberger, Harry Richard
- Terese, O.S.F., Pauline
- Tolczyk, Marion P.
- Townsend, C.J.M., Edward
- Tuchols, Franklin J.
- Venne, Samuel J.
- Vogel, Joseph J.
- Walker, Edward J.
- Ward, William G.
- Werth, Charles M.
- White, Gervase
- White, William F J
- Wolski, Mark
- Wood, Robert W
There Are 32 Accused Clergy Members From The Diocese Of Ogdensburg, NY:
- Ager, Fay W.
- Conti, Joseph
- Degen/Degan, Joseph A.
- Downs, John L.
- Duford, Robert O.
- Fallon, John J.
- Farchette, Ronald J.
- Favreau, Bruce T.
- Franklin, Edward L.
- Gillette, Theodore M.
- Hunt, John
- Kennedy, Edwin A.
- Kennedy, John M.
- LaLonde, Emile G.
- Larche, James M.
- Martin, Roger M.
- McGrath, Gerald
- Menard, Roland V.
- O'Doherty, Liam
- Plante, Albert R.
- Rogers, Thomas W.
- Sharland, Gerald
- Shurtleff, Robert M.
- Skurski, Herbert
- Squires, Thomas
- Stone, Carl
- Tobin, George W.
- Toth, Michael A.
- White, Clark S.
- Wiley, John F.
- Wisniewski, David E.
- Worczak, Paul F.
There Are 38 Accused Clergy Members From The Diocese Of Rochester, NY:
- Bonin, David L.
- Burr, Thomas W.
- Cason, Albert H.
- Casper, Bernard
- Cloonan, Paul I.
- Corbett, Thomas
- Costello, John M.
- Emo, Eugene G.
- Gaudio, Robert
- Giudice, Anthony
- Gormley, John
- Gramkee, David N.
- Guli, Gerard J.
- Hammond, Robert W.
- Hanna, Austin B. (Gus)
- Heathwood, John Laurence
- Hogan, G. Stuart
- Larrabee, Joseph E.
- Lum, William D.
- Martensen, Carsten P.
- McCarthy, Charles J.
- Nadeau, Janice
- O'Malley, William J.
- O'Neill, Robert F.
- Orlando, Richard J.
- Panepinto, Vincent
- Rogers, Foster P.
- Schnacky, Paul R.
- Sewar, Dennis R.
- Shaw, Dennis J.
- Shaw, Gary P.
- Simon, David P.
- Steger, John J.
- Sundholm, Conrad
- Valenti, Thomas J.
- Vogt, Francis H.
- Volino, Michael
- Winterkorn, Robert J.
There Are 72 Accused Clergy Members From The Diocese Of Rockville Centre, NY:
- Allen, Peter A.
- Babis, Daniel G.
- Bergin, James J.
- Breslawski, William G.
- Brinker, Brian J.
- Brown, Robert L.
- Burke (Rockville Ctr), William Michael
- Butler, John Robert
- Byrne, Edward J.
- Carroll (in New York), Michael A.
- Charland, Peter
- Chasse, Gerard J. (Jerry)
- Congro, Basil Peter
- Cooper, Damian Lawrence
- Czarniewicz, Gloria
- D'Andrea, Edward R.
- DeVita, Thomas F.
- Ditta, Angelo J.
- Durmann, Joseph
- Duvelsdorf, Peter L.
- Fitzgerald, Matthew
- Fitzpatrick, Joseph F.
- Gregory, Maureen
- Griffin, Gus (August)
- Guglielmone, Robert Eric
- Halpin, John P.
- Hands, Michael R.
- Harvers, Harold
- Hasselbach, Kenneth C.
- Huneke, Robert D.
- Kammerer, Richard
- Karvelis, William R.
- Kozlowski, Joseph
- Logan, William R.
- Magee, Finian (Robert)
- Mahoney, William D.
- Mahoney, John E.
- Massaro, Gabriel
- McComiskey, Joseph C.
- McConaghy, R. Thomas
- McGann, John R. (Bishop)
- McGeever, John J.
- McKeon, Brian A.
- Melton, Edward L.
- Michell, George J.
- Millar, Andrew L.
- Miller, James C.
- Miraglia, Salvatore J.
- Mott, John D.
- Mundy, Joseph T.
- Murphy, Howard
- Murphy, John T.
- Nee, Kenneth T.
- Newman, Louis I.
- O'Farrell, Michael J.
- Parisi, Frank J.
- Paul, Harold Hugh
- Peterson, Steven J.
- Placa, Alan J.
- Ribaudo, Charles A.
- Riordan (Reardon), Brendan P.
- Robinson, Ernest E.
- Saccacio, Robert J.
- Saloy, Thomas G.
- Schaefer, Richard
- Soave, Alfred B.
- Stegmann/Stegman, Raymond V.
- Twomey, Gerald
- Unterstein, Nicholas
- Vollmer, Eugene
- Williams, James C.
- Yacyshyn, Gregory
There Are 57 Accused Clergy Members From The Diocese Of Syracuse, NY:
- Bayley, Thomas S.
- Birchmeyer, Robert J.
- Bogan, Robert F.
- Bowen, Roger A.
- Brigandi, Paul A.
- Casey, Jr., Daniel W.
- Colosimo, Felix R.
- Crosby, Donald J.
- Donovan, John H.
- Durr, Edmund J.
- Eckermann, Charles H.
- Furfaro, Francis J.
- Gallagher, Luke V.
- Garstka, Bernard A.
- Gorman, Donald L.
- Guyder, Thomas F.
- Harrold, John F.
- Hattala, Ferdinand A.
- Hayes, James C.
- Hebert, Donald J.
- Heizman, Leo J.
- Holihan, Edgar M.
- Humphrey, Edgar P.
- Jutton, David J.
- Keating, Thomas F.
- Kieley, Edward X.
- Kloster, Robert J.
- Lane, C. Vincent
- Litz, Jr., Steven J.
- Lorenz, William A.
- Lugowski, John
- Lynch, William J.
- Madore, Edward C. "Ted"
- Mattice, George F.
- McCarthy, John A.
- Misercola, Chester A.
- Morris, William J.
- Morse, John J. "Jack"
- Neary, Thomas E.
- Ours, Robert A.
- Pace, Joseph A.
- Powell, Thomas M.
- Proud, Albert J.
- Quaid, Edward George
- Quinn, James A.
- Quinn, James F.
- Sammons, Francis L.
- Sewall, H. Charles
- Sinnott, Walter A.
- Slavetskas, Paul J.
- Tracy, Martin J.
- Trane, Thomas
- Wagner, John P.
- Walker, David J.
- Weber, Jerome F.
- Zedar, Thomas J.
- Zeder, John M.
If you believe the Catholic priest you are searching for may face abuse allegations in another state, use our nationwide searchable database of accused clergy members.
If you do not see the name you are looking for on our New York list or in our database, it does not mean you are not able to file a claim against your abuser. This list will expand as more cases of abuse are discovered. Speak with our attorneys today to learn more about your legal options.
History Of Clergy Abuse In New York
Abuse allegations in the New York dioceses span decades. In recent years, the state attorney general’s office began investigating historical clergy abuse in New York State.
2018 | New York Catholic Church Investigation
In 2018, a Pennsylvania grand jury published a report about clergy abuse in the state. Later that year, inspired by Pennsylvania’s report, New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood launched a similar investigation. The investigation is looking into each of the eight New York Catholic dioceses.
As a result of the New York investigation, New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a lawsuit against the Buffalo Diocese in November 2020. The lawsuit accuses the diocese and at least two bishops of covering up allegations of abuse.
One of the bishops named in the lawsuit is Richard J. Malone. Malone resigned in 2019.
The investigation into the other Catholic dioceses of New York is ongoing.
New York Priest Abuse Victim Resources
There are helpful resources and organizations all across the state of New York for victims of sexual violence. To find your local rape crisis program, visit our table below:
New York Sexual Violence Programs by County
New York Priest Abuse FAQs
What Is The Statute Of Limitations On Priest Sexual Abuse In New York?
In New York, to sue an abusive priest or responsible diocese, a survivor must file a civil lawsuit before they reach the age of 55.
Learn more about child sexual abuse statutes in New York here >
How Do I Report Sexual Abuse By A Priest In New York?

If you or a suspected victim is in danger, call 911 immediately.
There are several hotlines New York residents can use to report cases of sexual abuse:
- To report cases in New York State, call the New York State Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline at 1-800-942-6906.
- To report cases in New York City, call 1-800-621-HOPE (4673) or dial 311.
Report Sexual Abuse & Assault
Visit Our Resource Page to Learn More
You can also report incidents of clergy abuse to the relevant diocese:
Report Abuse To The New York Archdiocese
Victim Assistance Coordinator
Email: -
Report Abuse To The Albany Diocese
Assistance Coordinator
Phone: 518-453-6646 -
Report Abuse To The Brooklyn Diocese
Phone: 888-634-4499
Report Abuse To The Buffalo Diocese
Jacqueline Joy | Victims Assistance Coordinator
Phone: 716-895-3010
Email: -
Report Abuse To The Ogdensburg Diocese
Terrianne Yanulavich, LMHC, PhD. | Victims Assistance Coordinator
Phone: 518-651-2267
Email: -
Report Abuse To The Rochester Diocese
Deborah A. Housel | Victim Assistance Coordinator
Phone: 585-328-3210, ext. 1555
Email: -
Report Abuse To The Rockville Centre Diocese
Phone: 516-594-9063
Report Abuse To The Syracuse Diocese
Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator
Phone: 315-470-1465
New York Clergy Abuse News
All Clergy Abuse NewsNew Hampshire Bishop Faces Sexual Abuse Lawsuit
A New Hampshire Catholic bishop is facing accusations of child sexual abuse. The alleged abuse occurred in New York in the 1980s.
Ex-Cardinal Faces Criminal Charges Of Sexual Abuse
Defrocked cardinal Theodore McCarrick has become the highest-ranking Catholic official to face criminal charges of sexual abuse.
Need Support?
Free, Confidential Case Evaluation.
If you or a loved one have suffered from the physical, mental and emotional effects of institutional sex abuse, you’re entitled to legal representation and possible financial compensation.
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Meneo Group managing partner: Ron Meneo
Ron Meneo is the managing partner of The Meneo Law Group. With more than 40 years of experience, he represents clients across the country on a variety of complex legal matters, including personal injury due to institutional sexual abuse, unsafe pharmaceutical drugs and other practice areas. He is a recipient of Martindale-Hubbell’s prestigious AV® Preeminent Rating. He has also served as an editor and contributor for several legal journals.
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