California Priest Abuse Lawsuits
California AB 218 restored hundreds of abuse survivors’ rights to file lawsuits. Many individuals taking advantage of their renewed legal options are survivors of priest abuse. More than 600 priest abuse lawsuits are expected to be filed in Northern California alone.
Since 2002, more than 1,000 clergy sexual abuse survivors have filed lawsuits against the California Catholic dioceses. Several of the dioceses have been implicated in recent abuse lawsuits.
2021 | Diocese Of San Diego Priest Abuse Lawsuits
In 2020 and 2021, multiple lawsuits were filed against the Diocese of San Diego. The alleged abuse incidents occurred in the 1960s and 1970s. At least one of these lawsuits also names the San Bernardino Diocese as a defendant.
2021 | Diocese Of Fresno Priest Abuse Lawsuits
In June 2021, survivors filed several lawsuits against the Diocese of Fresno. The lawsuits accuse former priest, Craig Harrison, of child sexual abuse. The lawsuits also claim the Diocese of Fresno concealed the priest’s abusive actions.
Harrison denies the allegations. However, the diocese removed him from active ministry following the first allegation.
Clergy Abuse Settlements In California
Since 2005, the California dioceses have paid more than $1 billion in settlements related to clergy abuse allegations. These settlements were the result of civil lawsuits. As of April 2019, the Los Angeles Archdiocese had paid more than $740 million in settlements.
2005 | Orange Diocese Pays $100 Million Settlement
In 2005, the Orange Diocese paid a $100 million settlement to roughly 90 abuse survivors. At the time, it was one of the largest priest abuse settlements in the nation.
2007 | Los Angeles Archdiocese Pays $660 Million Settlement
In 2007, the Los Angeles Archdiocese paid $660 million to settle claims with 508 abuse survivors. Each survivor received approximately $1.3 million. It is one of the largest clergy abuse settlements to date.
2019 | Los Angeles Archdiocese Pays $8 Million Settlement
In April 2019, the Los Angeles Archdiocese agreed to pay $8 million to a single abuse survivor. It was one of the largest settlements paid by the archdiocese to an individual.
That same year, the Los Angeles Archdiocese joined five other California dioceses to create a victim compensation program. This program created an option for survivors to receive compensation without filing a lawsuit.
California Dioceses Compensation Fund
As of February 29, 2020, the California Independent Compensation Program (ICP) is no longer accepting new claims.
In 2019, six California dioceses created the Independent Compensation Program (ICP). The following California dioceses participated in the ICP:
- Archdiocese of Los Angeles
- Diocese of Fresno
- Diocese of Orange
- Diocese of Sacramento
- Diocese of San Bernardino
- Diocese of San Diego
The program was designed to compensate clergy abuse victims outside of the legal system. Clergy abuse survivors who accepted compensation through the ICP forfeited their right to sue the dioceses for abuse claims in the future.
On July 29, 2021, the ICP made its last payment to an abuse survivor. In total, the dioceses paid $23,970,000 to 197 eligible claimants.
Survivors who did not accept compensation from the ICP may still be eligible to file a civil lawsuit against these six Catholic dioceses in California. Speak with one of our experienced attorneys to learn more about your legal options.
California Dioceses Bankruptcies
Two California dioceses have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy amid a growing number of abuse lawsuits. Nearly 30 Catholic dioceses have filed for bankruptcy nationwide.
Chapter 11 bankruptcy is used to protect businesses that are struggling financially. The process evaluates and reorganizes a business’ assets. In doing so, a business can pay off debts while maintaining enough capital to continue functioning properly.
San Diego Diocese Bankruptcy
In February 2007, the Diocese of San Diego declared bankruptcy. It was one of the earliest American Catholic dioceses to file for bankruptcy. The diocese agreed to pay $198 million to 144 survivors as part of its bankruptcy proceedings.
Stockton Diocese Bankruptcy
In January 2014, the Diocese of Stockton filed for bankruptcy. The diocese agreed to pay $15 million to clergy abuse survivors as part of the bankruptcy plan.
Child Sex Abuse Statutes Of Limitations In California
In 2019, California legislators passed Assembly Bill 218 (AB 218). This bill extends the legal deadline to file civil claims of child sex abuse. The bill is also commonly known as the California Child Victims Act.
The bill includes several important provisions:
- AB 218 extended the civil statute of limitations for childhood sexual abuse survivors.
- AB 218 extended the state’s discovery rule for child sexual abuse claims.
- AB 218 opened a three-year “look back” window, during which any survivor can file civil claims falling outside the new time limit.
- AB 218 allows courts to award triple damages in sexual abuse cases where evidence of a cover-up exists.
A statute of limitations (SOL) is a legal deadline. SOLs vary based on the jurisdiction, the crime and the intended legal action (i.e. criminal charges versus a civil claim).
Civil Statutes For Child Sex Abuse In California
In California, child sexual abuse survivors must file a civil lawsuit against an abuser before they reach 40 years of age. After age 40, survivors lose their right to file a civil claim. California’s AB 218 extended this civil statute from 26 years old to 40 years old.
The state of California also has a discovery rule for incidents of child sexual abuse. Under this rule, survivors have five years to file a civil claim, regardless of their age. The discovery window begins when an individual discovers or should have discovered an injury related to the abuse.
AB 218 also opened a three-year “look back” window for civil claims.
California’s “Look Back” Window
AB 218 extended the state’s civil statutes. But, without additional measures, this new legal deadline would still prevent survivors older than 40 years of age from filing civil lawsuits.
To help older survivors, AB 218 also created a three-year “look back” window. This window temporarily revives all expired civil claims of child sexual abuse in California. Any child sex abuse survivor can file a civil lawsuit during this period.
This is the second “look back” window of its kind in the state of California. Lawmakers previously opened a one-year retroactive window in 2003.
The current “look back” window opened on January 1, 2020. The three-year window will close on December 31, 2022.
You May Have New Legal Rights
Speak With Our Lawyers About California’s Child Victims Act
Criminal Statutes For Child Sex Abuse In California
In California, there is no criminal statute for most felony sexual offenses, including child sexual abuse.
Senate Bill 447
Senate Bill 447 (SB 447) was signed into law on October 1, 2021. This new law allows family members to file a claim for the emotional damages suffered by a deceased abuse survivor. This means family members may be eligible to receive compensation for a deceased loved one’s pain, suffering or disfigurement.
Prior to SB 447, California only allowed family members to recover monetary losses related to an injury, such as medical bills or wages lost. California was one of only five states that did not allow compensation for non-economic losses.
With the passing of SB 447, abuse survivors and their families have been given a new path to justice. California survivors and their families can now hold an abuser or negligent organization, such as a diocese, accountable, even after a survivor passes.
List Of Priests Accused Of Abuse In California
The list below includes clergy members and Catholic priests accused of abuse in California.
The list does not include church staff or volunteers accused of similar allegations in the California dioceses. However, you may still be able to sue the diocese for its role in your abuse by one of these individuals.
If you or a loved one has been abused by a clergy member in California, contact us about your legal rights. Whether your abuser is on this list or not, we are here to help.
Survivors May Be Eligible For Compensation
Learn About Filing a Claim in California
There Are 326 Accused Clergy Members From The Archdiocese Of Los Angeles, CA:
- Abaya, Rubin
- Aguilar-Rivera, Nicolas
- Ahumada, Arturo
- Albalaa, Pierre
- Altamirano Torres, Sebastian
- Alzugaray, Joseph F.
- Anderson, David E.
- Anderson, Roger
- Antlitz, Aloysius
- Arias, Andreas
- Arzube, Juan (Bp.)
- Austin, Edmund
- Babilonia, Delfin
- Baker, Michael Stephen
- Balak, Frederick R.
- Balbin, Victor
- Baldonado, Felipe
- Barmasse, Kevin P.
- Bauer, John
- Bautista, Gaspar
- Berbena, Christopher
- Berumen, Matthias A.
- Bismonte, Honesto Bayranta
- Boley, Robert
- Bond, Robert
- Boyer, Leland
- Brennan, John Lawrence
- Brown, Lawrence
- Buckley, Michael Daniel
- Burt, Ronald Francis
- Byrom, Ed
- Caboang, Honorato (Henry)
- Cabot, Samuel Charles
- Caffoe, Lynn Richard
- Cairns, James
- Calonge, Felix (Raymond)
- Cano, Juan
- Carey, Cleve W.
- Carriere, (Laurian) David
- Carroll (in Calif.), Michael J.
- Carvajal Hernandez, Raul
- Casey, Edward J.
- Casey, John Joseph
- Casey, Michael Joseph
- Castro, Willebaldo
- Cavagnaro, Camillus
- Cavalli, Vincent V.
- Chandler, David Paul
- Chong, Damien (Patrick)
- Chumik, Gerald
- Cimmarrusti, Mario
- Colosimo, Eugene J.
- Cook, Ozias Bailey
- Corral, Andres S.
- Cosgrove, John V.
- Cotter, Patrick J.
- Cousineau, R. David
- Cremins, Daniel J.
- Cronin, Sean
- Cruces, Angel
- Cuevas, Jose Luis
- Cunningham, Christopher
- Daley, Wallace J.
- Dawson, John H.
- Deady, John P.
- DeFore, Donald
- DeJonghe, Harold J.
- DeLisle, Harold F.
- Devaney, James
- Di Peri, Joseph B.
- Diamond, William L.
- Diesta, Arwyn N.
- Dittmar, Frederick
- Doan, Michael Son Trong
- Dobbins, Dan
- Dober, Edward J.
- Doherty, Roger
- Doherty, Roger
- Doherty (Dougherty), John B.
- Dolan, James E.
- Dove, Thomas J.
- Dowd, Francis
- Duffin, Thomas
- DuFour, Donald J.
- Duggan, Albert Joseph
- Dunne, Joseph
- Duplessius, Donald
- Elanjimannil, Sebastian C.
- Encinas, Andrew Gabriel
- English, Thomas Patrick
- Epperson, Mark
- Falvey, Mark A.
- Farabaugh, Clint
- Farmer, Donald G.
- Farris, John V.
- Fatooh, Charles George
- Faue, Gerald
- Fernando, Arthur (Arturo) N.
- Fernando, Walter
- Fessard, Gerald B.
- Fitzpatrick, James J.
- Fitzpatrick, Thomas Q.
- Flannery, Patrick
- Flynn, Vincent Stephen
- Foley, George
- Ford, James Michael
- Gaioni, Dominic T.
- Gallagher, George Michael
- Garay, Jesus
- Garcia, Christobal
- Garcia, Peter E.
- Garcia, Ramon
- Garcia, Richard Francis
- Garcia, Sergio E.
- Ginty, Denis
- Granadino, David F.
- Grill, Philip L.
- Grimes, James
- Guerrero, Matteo (Mateo)
- Guerrini, Roderic M.
- Gunst, George A.
- Guzman, Vincente
- Hackett, John Joseph
- Hagenbach, Clinton Vincent
- Hanley, Bernard Brian
- Haran, Michael Joseph
- Hardy, Paschal
- Harman/Harmon, Charles
- Hartman, Richard A.
- Havel, Thomas E.
- Hawkes, Benjamin
- Heather, Gerald
- Henry, Richard Allen
- Hernandez, Alfred
- Hernandez, Stephen C.
- Hill, Patrick J.
- Hollinger, William
- Hunt, Michael A.
- Hurley, John J.
- Hurley, Richard
- James, Joseph
- James, Melvin P.
- Jaramillo, Luis
- Jayawardene, Tilak A.
- Jimenez-Pelayo, Emmanuel
- Johnson, David (Dave) E.
- Juarez, Anthony
- Juarez, Robert Jesus
- Kain, Stephen
- Kavanaugh, Philip
- Kearney, Christopher
- Keeney, John
- Kelly, Matthew H.
- Kelly, Patrick M.
- Kenney, John M.
- Killeen, John F.
- Killeen, Sister Mary Joseph
- King, Thomas F.
- Klikunas, Bruce J.
- Kohlbeck, Frank
- Kohnke, John
- Krumm, Gustave R. (Gus)
- Lacar, Sylvio
- Lalor, Michael
- Lane, Timothy R.
- LaPierre, David
- Lawless, Fergus
- Leon, Modesto
- Lindner, Jerold W.
- Llanos, Theodore
- Loofborough, Charles
- Loomis, Richard A.
- Lopez, Joseph
- Lopez Lopez, Fernando
- Lorenzoni, Larry
- Lovell, Lawrence Joseph (LJ)
- Lyons, Denis
- Macias, Juan
- MacSweeney, Eugene
- Mahony (Bp), Roger
- Maio, Eugene A.
- Mancuso, Sylvester E.
- Mark, (unknown)
- Marshall, Thomas Reon Paul, Jr
- Martin, James Aloysius
- Martinez, Ernest
- Martinez, Ruben D.
- Martini, Richard M.
- Mateo, Leonardo G.
- Mateos, Francisco
- Mayer, Charles Patrick
- McCabe, Vincent
- McCarthy, Kevin
- McDonald, Forrest
- McDonough, Daniel
- McElhatton, Thomas
- McGloin, James
- McGrath, Se√°n John
- McHugh, Patrick
- McKeon, Martin
- McNamara, Patrick H.
- Mejia Gonzales, Jose
- Mendez, Jose J.
- Messenger, William P.
- Meyer, Louis L.
- Miani, Titian Jim (Athos?)
- Miller, George Michael
- Mitchell, John Dennis
- Molthen, Vincent
- Monte, Alfred J.
- Moody, Michael Andre
- Morales, Raymond D.
- Murguia, Ralph
- Murphy, Francis J.
- Murphy, Joseph L.
- Murray, Daniel J.
- Newell, Jeffrey
- Nocita, Michael Stephen
- Nwankwo, Cyril
- O'Byrne, John F.
- O'Carroll, Charles W.
- O'Connor, Donal P.
- O'Dwyer, Patrick
- O'Grady, James F.
- O'Leary, Mark
- O'Loghlen, Martin
- O'Rourke, Thomas E.
- Ochoa, Javier
- Orellana Mendoza, Samuel
- Pacheco, Gary
- Pacheco, Mario
- Pecharich, Michael P.
- Peck, Daniel P.
- Peguero, Robert H.
- Pena, Amado
- Perez, Francisco Javier
- Person, James
- Pick, Louis V.
- Pina, Joseph D.
- Pleimann (Plieman), Bernard Thomas
- Plesetz, Gerald John
- Poon, Stanislaus
- Porter, Thomas A.
- Prochnow/Procknow, Joseph/Josef
- Purcell, Patrick
- Quatannens, John C.
- Quinlan, Celestine
- Ramos, Eleuterio
- Reagan (Regan), Joseph Franklin
- Reilly, Terence John
- Reilly, Patrick
- Reina, Nicholas
- Riebe, Loren
- Robinson, James Richard
- Rodie, Ernest
- Rodriguez, Carlos Rene
- Roebert, Michael M.
- Roemer, Donald Patrick
- Roper, William
- Rosas Flores, Fidel
- Rowe, Dorian G.
- Rozo Rincon, Efrain
- Rucker, George Neville
- Ryan, Joseph Francis
- Ryan, Thomas
- Salazar, Alexander
- Salazar, Armando
- Salazar-Jimenez, John Anthony
- Salinas, Gabriel
- Sanchez, Juan Francisco
- Sanchez, Manuel Ontiveros
- Sanchez, Jose L.
- Sandstrom, Lawrence
- Santillan, Juan (John)
- Santomassimo, Sister Agnes
- Satterthwaite, Richard
- Savrianandam, Arulappan
- Schaller, Emmett Gilroy
- Scheier, Maurice
- Scott, George M.
- Selmo, Louis
- Serratos, Avdon (Audon)
- Sharkey, Joe
- Sharpe, Joseph F.
- Shepherd, John R.
- Shimmaly, Edward E.
- Silva-Flores, Fidencio Simon
- Simon, Francis (Raymond E).
- Sintef, Michael
- Spader, Robert William
- Specialle (Speciale), Stephen Emmett
- Sprouffske, Matthew Michael
- Stadtfeld, William (Br Joseph)
- Stallkamp, Louis G.
- Sullivan, Thomas J.
- Sutphin, Carl Maurice
- Tacderas, Joseph
- Tamayo, Santiago L.
- Teluma, Lukas Bao
- Tepe, Raymond (Jose)
- Terra, Michael
- Thing, Tom
- Thorne, Vance Zebulon
- Tresler, Carl D.
- Tugade, Valentine
- Turba, Jerome
- Ugarte, Jose I.
- Van Liefde, Christopher
- Van ter Toolen, Vincent
- Vasquez, Pedro
- Verhart, John
- Vetter, Henry Xavier
- Villa Gomez, Gillmero Nemoria
- Villaroya, Ernesto Corral
- Vita, William S.
- Vorisek, Rudolph T.
- Wadeson, John H.
- Walsh, James Joseph
- Warren, A. Thomas
- Weber, Francis J.
- Weitz, Wilfred
- Wempe, Michael Edwin
- Wertz, Gerald
- Wishard, John W.
- Wolfe, Philip Mark
- Ziemann (BP), G. Patrick
There Are 35 Accused Clergy Members From The Archdiocese Of San Francisco, CA:
- Armstrong, Peter Gomez
- Aylward, James W.
- Baquedano-Pech, Theodore
- Billante, Salvatore
- Bravo, Roberto
- Carter, Daniel E.
- Cloutier, Edmond G.
- Cunha, Arthur Manuel
- Dabbene, Bernard
- Danielson, Harold
- Durkin, Charles
- Ellis, Hal
- Heaney, John P.
- Ingels, Gregory G.
- Keegan, Austin Peter
- Keohane, Daniel T.
- Leach, Jerome
- Lewis, Epiphanius
- McCrillis, Philip E.
- Moriarty, John
- Murnig, Guy Anthony
- Myers, William S.
- O'Connor, John J.
- O'Shea, Patrick J.
- Pacheco, Dan (Danilo)
- Presenti, Richard P.
- Riley, Miles O'Brien
- Schipper, Carl Anthony
- Stanislaus, Wellington Joseph "Brother Stan"
- Superiaso, Jose
- Trainor, Henry J.
- Tubbs, Leo Donald
- Van Handel, Robert M.
- Walsh, Milton T.
- Yost, Peter
There Are 14 Accused Clergy Members From The Diocese Of Fresno, CA:
There Are 30 Accused Clergy Members From The Diocese Of Monterey, CA:
- Abinate, Phillip
- Battagliola, Alberto (Orlando)
- Campbell, Stuart Bede
- Chavira, Marcos Capistran
- Condon, Thomas
- Cortes, Antonio
- Crews, Edward
- Daly, Patrick
- Dwyer, Vincent
- Esquivel, Juan Carlos
- Faria, Carl
- Fitz-Henry, Edward
- Garcia, Luis
- Haskins, Edward T.
- Jimenez, Manuel
- Kareta, Gregory
- McCarthy, Scott
- McDonald, Michael
- Mengon, Albert (Alberto)
- Meyer, Gilbert
- Migliazzo, Felix
- Moore, Charles L.
- Neary, Thomas
- O'Connor, Colman
- Pacheco, Joseph
- Pierson, John
- Sheehan, Joseph
- Valdez, Paul R.
- Velez, John
- Wisecaver, James
There Are 44 Accused Clergy Members From The Diocese Of Oakland, CA:
- Acebo, Jeffrey N.
- Binh-Minh, Thomas Duong
- Breen, Vincent Ignatius
- Broderson, Donald Eugene
- Cabral, Kenneth J.
- Castillo, Alexander Q.
- Clark, James A.
- Colloty, Phillip
- Cooper, Hilary
- Coutts, Virendra
- Crespin, George E.
- Custodio, Sidney J.
- Donovan, Pearse P.
- Duffy, Dennis
- Eagleson, Donald W.
- Ferreira, Joseph A.
- Finnegan, Patrick
- Francis, George J.
- Freitas, Robert E.
- Furman, Adrian
- Green, William S.
- Gutierrez-Cervantes, Joseph (Jesse)
- Kiesle, Stephen M.
- LaGasse, Ronald J.
- Lanuevo, Tarcisio D.
- Leehan, Cornelius P.
- Luiz, Gary M.
- McKinnon, Bede
- McLeod, Daniel
- Mendoza Vela, Hector David
- Moreno, Joaquin
- O'Brien, Lawrence
- Odom-Green, William
- Ponciroli, Robert F.
- Prindeville, James E.
- Ribeiro, Arthur A. (Arturo)
- Slane, Anthony
- Tollner, Gary B.
- Varela, Ramon
- Vas, John
- Verngren, Francis
- Whelan, Stephen (Steve)
- Wilcox, Gordon
- Wong, Terrence
There Are 26 Accused Clergy Members From The Diocese Of Orange, CA:
- Andersen, Andrew Christian
- Aranda, Sofronio A. (Pon)
- Atherton, Gregory
- Baird, Lawrence J.
- Buckman, Franklin
- Casimano (Casamino), Santino
- Coffield, John V.
- Delahunty, Richard
- Falvey, Sinon F.
- Foley, Robert
- Harris, Michael A.
- Horvath, Bertrand W.
- Jimenez, Edgardo Arrunataegui
- Knoernschild, John
- Lenihan, John Peter
- Lord, John "Jack" W.
- Manville, Alexander
- Mohan, Thomas Joseph
- Nguyen, Dominic
- Pillon, Gordon John
- Ramaekers, Timothy
- Ramirez, Luis Eduardo
- Ruhl, John (Jon) E.
- Salazar, Cesar
- Sheahan, John A.
- Tanilong, Gerardo Jarencio
There Are 48 Accused Clergy Members From The Diocese Of Sacramento, CA:
- Allender, Thomas G.
- Arroyo, Alejandro
- Beltran Rico, Gerardo
- Blanco, Mario
- Boyle, Edward
- Brady, Vincent
- Casey, James
- Casper, Robert
- Coffey, Andrew
- Conway, Malachy
- Coria Gonzales, Hector
- Cortes, Pablo
- Crowley, John
- Delgado, Rodolfo
- Dermody, Thomas
- Dowling, John
- Falvey, Arthur A.
- Feeser, William
- Figueroa, Oscar
- Foley, J. Patrick
- Garcia, Francisco Javier
- Hannan, John
- Henson, Jerome M.
- Hernandez Cota, David
- Hernandez-Tovar, Francisco
- Hold, William B.
- Lynch, Michael
- Magallanes, Jesus
- Marsicek, Robert (Bob)
- Mennis, James
- Mistretta, Vito
- Mistretta, Vito
- Monaghan, James Thomas
- Moreno, Jorge
- O'Connor, Cornelius F.
- Ojeda, Uriel
- Perez, Z. Enrique
- Petrich, Vernon
- Pinal Costellanos, Jose Antonio
- Porras, Mario Blanco
- Prouix, Michael
- Storan, William
- Twomey, Simon
- Urbina, Jose Luis
- Wallace, Murrough
- Walsh, Michael
- Walsh (California), Michael
- Watts, John "Casper"
There Are 31 Accused Clergy Members From The Diocese Of San Bernardino, CA:
- Ayala, Saul
- Ball, Edward Lawrence
- Barco, Roberto
- Bell, Joseph
- Benson, Gustavo
- Bucaro, Michael
- Castillo, Alejandro Jose /Alex
- Covas, Peter
- da Silva, Owen
- De Dominicis, Daniel
- Dominguez, Jesus
- Donat, Robert J.
- Dunne, Kevin
- Etienne, Clifton Raymond
- Fertal, Joseph (Joe)
- Garduno, Anthony Martinez
- Gil, Rudi
- Gomez Macouzet, Maximiliano
- Hayes, J. Ernest/Ernest J.
- Jablonski, Joseph
- Jost, Dennis Raymond
- Keppel, Timothy F.
- Kurilec, Robert
- Luque, Peter H.
- McCormick, Peter
- Melzer, Howard
- Nguyen, Paul
- Nunez, Joseph R.
- Perreault, Louis G.
- Trujillo, Esteban
- Waltos, Bernard
There Are 54 Accused Clergy Members From The Diocese Of San Diego, CA:
- Beatty, John
- Booth, James T.
- Bridgette, Sister
- Buchanan, Robert
- Carrillo, Arthur
- Chavarin, Jose
- D'Amora, Edito
- Daly, John Joseph
- Damasco, Nelson
- De Francisco, Luis Eugene
- Doxie, Donald F.
- Eagen, I. Brent
- Flynn, Herman Francis
- French, Michael
- Galindo, Rudolph
- Ganahl, James A.
- Gill, Paul
- Higgins, Michael
- Holtey, Gary Michael
- Houck, Richard L.
- Hughes, Patrick J.
- Keith, John Charles
- Koerner, Robert S.
- Kowalczyk, Adalbert (Albert) J.
- Kraft, William Armstrong
- Kurlandski, Lawrence
- Lally, George
- Langille, Justin
- Marron, Peter Joseph
- Marron, Michael Victor
- McGinn, Malachy M.
- McNamara, Patrick Carl
- Medaer, Mark/Marc A.
- Mejia, Ricardo
- Moloney, Thomas
- Montagna, Paolino
- Nikliborc, Robert Daniel.
- O'Keeffe, Patrick J.
- Omemaga, Emmanuel O.
- Polizzi, Daniel
- Reveles, Nicholas
- Robier, Franz
- Rodrigue, Edward Anthony
- Roll, David
- Rossell, Joseph (Jose)
- Savord, William R.
- Sheehy, Edward Augustine
- Sheridan, Gregory Sierra
- Spain, William D.
- Thomas, (unknown)
- Thompson, Matthew J.
- Uboldi, Victor
- Valverde, William
- Vinyard, Barry
There Are 19 Accused Clergy Members From The Diocese Of San Jose, CA:
- Bettencourt, Thomas
- Burke, Edward Thomas
- Connor, Charles Leonard
- Dondero, Joseph
- Farrington, William C.
- Flickinger, Don D.
- Gray, Robert A.
- Harrison, Arthur
- Largente, Laurent
- Larkin, Alexander C.
- Mariano, Angel Crisostomo
- Moniz, John Rodrigues
- Moss, George
- Noia, Leonel C.
- Pritchard, Joseph T.
- Senevirante, Noel
- Sunseri, Phil
- Toro, Hernan
- Van der Putten, Benedict
There Are 21 Accused Clergy Members From The Diocese Of Santa Rosa, CA:
- Bolger, Anthony
- Brenkle, John J.
- Crews, John S.
- Gleeson, Patrick
- Hannon, Patrick A.
- Kelly, Michael Emmet
- Kimball, Donald Wren
- McCabe, Patrick Joseph
- Meenan, John A.
- Neville, Francis E.
- O'Neill, Vincent
- Ochoa, Francisco Xavier
- Oswald, Ted
- Pallathuparambil, Xavier
- Rogers, John K.
- Sheehy, Wilfred L.
- Sobalvarro, Alfredo
- Timmons, Gary
- Walsh, James
- Ward, Bernard (Bernie)
- Wiecek, Ron
There Are 13 Accused Clergy Members From The Diocese Of Stockton, CA:
If you are not able to find a specific priest accused of abuse on our California list, search our nationwide database of accused priests. The abuser you are looking for may be listed under another state or dioceses.
If you are not able to find the name of an abuser in our database, you may still have a legitimate claim against them. We are to help you seek justice, regardless of whether your abuser is already facing abuse allegations. Speak to a trusted attorney today to learn more about your legal options.
California Priest Abuse Victim Resources
Survivors do not have to process the trauma of sexual violence alone. Many California organizations offer resources for sexual abuse and assault survivors.
California Sexual Violence Programs by City
City | Facility Name | Phone Number(s) |
Bakersfield | Alliance Against Family Violence & Sexual Assault | Hotline: 661-327-1091 LGBTQ-Focused Hotline: 661-332-1506 Toll-Free Hotline: 800-273-7713 |
Oakland | Bay Area Women Against Rape | Hotline: 510-845-7273 |
Mariposa | Mountain Crisis Services of Mariposa County | Hotline: 888-966-2350 Hotline: 209-966-2350 |
Merced | Valley Crisis Center of Merced County | Hotline: 209-722-4357 Hotline: 209-725-7900 |
Hemet | Center Against Sexual Assault of Southwest Riverside County | Hotline: 866-373-8300 |
Yuba City | Casa de Esperanza | Hotline: 530-674-2040 |
San Diego El Cajon Escondido | Center for Community Solutions | Hotline: 888-385-4657 |
Sonora | Center for Non-Violent Community | Hotline: 209-533-3401 |
Placerville | Center for Violence-Free Relationships | Hotline: 530-626-1131 Hotline: 916-939-6616 |
Los Angeles | Center for Pacific Asian Family | Hotline: 800-339-3940 |
Oxnard | Coalition for Family Harmony | Hotline: 805-656-1111 Hotline: 800-300-2181 |
Woodland | Empower Yolo | Hotline: 530-662-1133 Hotline: 916-371-1907 |
Modesto Turlock | Haven Women's Center of Stanislaus | Hotline: 209-577-5980 Hotline: 888-454-2836 |
Visalia | Family Services of Tulare County | Hotline: 559-732-7273 |
Oakland | Highland Hospital Sexual Assault Center, Alameda Health System | Hotline: 510-534-9290 Hotline: 510-534-9291 |
Weaverville | Human Response Network | Hotline: 530-623-4357 |
Hanford | Kings Community Action Organization | Hotline: 877-727-3225 |
Jamestown | Kene Me-Wu — American Indian Domestic Violence / Sexual Assault Program | Hotline: 800-792-7776 |
Kelseyville Lakeport Clearlake | Lake Family Resource Center | Hotline: 888-485-7733 |
Susanville | Lassen Family Services | Hotline: 530-257-5004 Hotline: 888-289-5004 |
Markleeville South Lake Tahoe | Live Violence Free | Hotline: 530-544-4444 |
Alturas | Modoc Crisis Center, Training, Employment and Community Help (T.E.A.C.H.) | Hotline: 855-855-6745 |
Watsonville Santa Cruz | Monarch Services | Hotline: 888-900-4232 |
Napa | Napa Emergency Women's Services | Hotline: 707-255-6397 Hotline: 800-799-7233 |
Monterey | Monterey County Rape Crisis Center | Hotline: 831-375-4357 |
Salinas | Monterey County Rape Crisis Center | Hotline: 838-424-4357 |
Eureka | North Coast Rape Crisis Team | Hotline: 707-445-2881 |
Crescent City | North Coast Rape Crisis Team | Hotline: 707-465-2851 |
Lompoc Santa Maria | North County Rape Crisis and Child Protection Center | Hotline: 805-736-7273 Hotline: 805-928-3554 |
Redding | One SAFE Place | Hotline: 530-244-0117 — Shasta 530-474-1910 — Shingletown |
Jackson | Operation Care | Hotline: 209-223-2600 |
Los Angeles | Peace Over Violence | Hotline: 213-626-3393 Hotline: 310-392-8381 |
Pasadena | Peace Over Violence | Hotline: 626-793-3385 |
Pomona | Project Sister Family Services | Hotline: 909-626-4357 Hotline: 626-966-4155 |
Ukiah | Project Sanctuary | Hotline: 707-463-4357 |
Fort Bragg | Project Sanctuary | Hotline: 707-964-4357 |
San Jose Sunnyvale | Rape Crisis Department, YWCA of Silicon Valley | Hotline: 408-287-3000 Hotline: 650-493-7273 |
Chico Red Bluff | Rape Crisis Intervention and Prevention | Hotline: 530-342-7273 |
Santa Monica | Rape Treatment Center at UCLA Medical Center | Hotline: 310-319-4000 |
San Mateo | Rape Trauma Services of San Mateo County | Hotline: 650-692-7273 |
Fresno Firebaugh | RCS Fresno — Rape Counseling Services | Hotline: 559-222-7273 |
San Luis Obispo Paso Robles | RISE | Hotline: 855-886-7473 |
Fairfield | SAFEQUEST Solano | Hotline: 866-487-7233 |
Riverside | Riverside Area Rape Crisis Center | Hotline: 951-686-7273 Hotline: 866-686-7273 |
San Bernardino Palm Desert Victorville Yucaipa Yucca Valley | San Bernardino Sexual Assault Services | Hotline: 909-885-8884 Hotline: 800-656-4673 |
San Francisco | San Francisco Women Against Rape | Hotline: 415-647-7273 |
Santa Barbara | Santa Barbara Rape Crisis Center | Hotline: 805-564-3696 |
Lancaster | Sexual Assault Response Services, Valley Oasis | Hotline: 661-723-7273 |
Santa Ana | Sexual Assault Victim Services, Community Service Program | Hotline: 714-957-2737 Hotline: 949-831-9110 |
Auburn Roseville | Stand Up Placer | Hotline: 800-575-5352 |
Yreka | Siskiyou Domestic Violence & Crisis Center | Hotline: 877-842-4068 |
Van Nuys Northridge Santa Clarita Valencia | Strength United | Hotline: 818-886-0453 — San Fernando Valley 661-253-0258 — Santa Clarita Valley |
Quincy | The Resource Center | Hotline: 530-215-7273 Hotline: 877-332-2754 |
Kings Beach Truckee | Tahoe Safe Alliance | Hotline: 800-736-1060 |
San Andreas | The Resource Connection, Calaveras Crisis Center | Hotline: 209-736-4011 |
Livermore | Tri-Valley Haven | Hotline: 800-884-8119 Hotline: 925-449-5842 |
Madera Bass Lake | Victim Services Center, Community Action Partnership of Madera County | Hotline: 800-355-8989 |
Santa Rosa | Verity | Hotline: 707-545-7273 |
Pomona | Violence Prevention & Women's Resource Center, California State University, Pomona | Hotline: 909-869-3102 |
Sacramento | WEAVE, Inc. | Hotline: 916-920-2952 Hotline: 866-920-2952 |
Stockton Lodi Tracy | Women's Center — Youth & Family Services | Hotline: 209-465-4997 |
Bishop Mammoth Lakes | Wild Iris Family Counseling and Crisis Services | Hotline: 877-873-7384 |
Oceanside | Women's Resource Center | Hotline: 760-757-3500 |
Los Angeles Long Beach Compton | YWCA of Greater Los Angeles County | Hotline: 877-943-5778 |
California Priest Abuse FAQs
What Is The Statute Of Limitations On Priest Sexual Abuse In California?
Currently, any priest abuse survivor can file a civil lawsuit in California. AB 218 opened a three-year “look back” window reviving all expired claims of child sexual abuse.
The window closes on December 31, 2022. Survivors with older claims of abuse should consider filing a claim soon.
Learn more about child sexual abuse statutes in California here >
How Do I Report Sexual Abuse By A Priest In California?

If you or a suspected victim is in danger, call 911 immediately.
You can report suspected child abuse to your local Emergency Child Abuse Reporting Hotline. Find your county’s 24-hour hotline here.
For more information about reporting sexual abuse, visit our resource page >
If you or a loved one was abused by a diocesan priest, you can also report the incident to the relevant diocese.
Report Abuse To The Los Angeles Archdiocese
Archdiocesan Victims Assistance Office
Phone: 213-637-7650 -
Report Abuse To The San Francisco Archdiocese
Rocio Rodriguez, LMFT | Victim Assistance Coordinator
Phone: 415-614-5506
Email: -
Report Abuse To The Fresno Diocese
Victim Assistance Coordinator
Phone: 559-488-7400 -
Report Abuse To The Monterey Diocese
Sagrario “Rio” Castillo | Victims Assistance Coordinator
Phone: 1-800-321-5220
Email: -
Report Abuse To The Orange Diocese
Phone: 800-364-3064
Report Abuse To The Sacramento Diocese
Phone: 866-777-9133
Report Abuse To The San Bernardino Diocese
Victims Assistance Coordinator
Phone: 888-206-9090
Phone: 909-855-2296 -
Report Abuse To The San Diego Diocese
Mary Acosta | Victim Assistance Coordinator
Phone: 858-490-8353 -
Report Abuse To The San Jose Diocese
Griselda Cervantez | Victim Assistance Coordinator
Phone: 408-983-0225
Email: -
Report Abuse To The Santa Rosa Diocese
Julie Sparacio | Director | Office for Child and Youth Protection
Phone: 707-566-3308
Email: -
Report Abuse To The Stockton Diocese
Cynthia Dragun | Victim Assistance Coordinator
Phone: 209-466-0636
California Clergy Abuse News
All Clergy Abuse NewsFamily Sues Oakland Diocese On Behalf Of Abuse Survivor
The family of a deceased clergy abuse survivor is filing a lawsuit against the Diocese of Oakland, thanks to SB 447, a new state law passed in 2021.
Clergy Abuse Survivors Sue Two California Catholic Dioceses
Survivors filed lawsuits against the Dioceses of Fresno and San Diego. The California “look back” window has given these survivors more time to seek justice.
Need Support?
Free, Confidential Case Evaluation.
If you or a loved one have suffered from the physical, mental and emotional effects of institutional sex abuse, you’re entitled to legal representation and possible financial compensation.
Receive your response in 24 hours

Meneo Group managing partner: Ron Meneo
Ron Meneo is the managing partner of The Meneo Law Group. With more than 40 years of experience, he represents clients across the country on a variety of complex legal matters, including personal injury due to institutional sexual abuse, unsafe pharmaceutical drugs and other practice areas. He is a recipient of Martindale-Hubbell’s prestigious AV® Preeminent Rating. He has also served as an editor and contributor for several legal journals.
- 1
An act to amend Section 377.34 of the Code of Civil Procedure, relating to civil actions, Senate Bill 447, Chapter 448 (California 2021).
- 2
Archdiocese of San Francisco. (N.D.) Protecting Abuse. Retrieved October 27, 2021.
- 3
Assembly Bill No. 218. (California 2019).
- 4
California Department of Social Services. (N.D.) Report Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect. Retrieved July 20, 2021.
- 5
Child USA. (2021, April 21). California Child Sex Abuse SOLs. Retrieved July 19, 2021.
- 6
Diocese of Fresno. (2015, December). VICTIM ASSISTANCE HOTLINE [PDF].
- 7
Diocese of Monterey. (N.D.) Pastoral Response Coordinator & Victim’s Assistance. Retrieved July 20, 2021.
- 8
Diocese of Sacramento. (N.D.) Reporting Abuse and Providing Pastoral Care. Retrieved July 20, 2021.
- 9
Diocese of San Bernardino. (N.D.) Home. Retrieved July 20, 2021.
- 10
Diocese of San Jose. (2013, January 1). Reporting Sexual Abuse or Misconduct. Retrieved July 20, 2021.
- 11
Diocese of Santa Rosa. (N.D.) How to Report Sexual Abuse. Retrieved July 20, 2021.
- 12
- 13
Dolan, C., Stone, A. (2021, November 11). Changed law enables families of survivors to receive damages for pain and suffering. San Francisco Examiner.
- 14
Hope, H. (2020, January 2). Lawsuits filed against Catholic Diocese of San Diego on behalf of alleged sex assault victims. CBS8.
- 15
Independent Compensation Program for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, and the Dioceses of Fresno, Orange, Sacramento, San Bernardino, and San Diego. (2021, July 30). Final Report [PDF].
- 16
LA Catholics. (N.D.) REPORTING CHILD ABUSE. Retrieved July 20, 2021.
- 17
Luciano, L. (2019, May 24). Are California Catholic dioceses using victim compensation fund to prevent future lawsuits? ABC 10.
- 18
Madigan, N. (2005, January 5). California Diocese Settles Sexual Abuse Case for $100 Million. The New York Times.
- 19
Nguyen, C., Bott, M. (2021, February 18). 600 Sex Abuse Lawsuits Expected to Hit Northern CA Dioceses in New Window for Accusers. NBC Bay Area.
- 20
Paris, F. (2019, April 17). Archdiocese Of Los Angeles Agrees To $8 Million Settlement In Sex Abuse Case. NPR.
- 21
Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange. (N.D.) Reporting Abuse. Retrieved July 20, 2021.
- 22
Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego. (N.D.) Independent Compensation Program. Retrieved July 20, 2021.
- 23
Saul, J. (2020, January 8). Catholic Church Shields $2 Billion in Assets to Limit Abuse Payouts. Bloomberg Businessweek.
- 24
(2006, December 1). LA diocese settles abuse claims. BBC News.
- 25
(2007, July 16). LA cardinal offers abuse apology. BBC News.
- 26
(2021, June 8). Lawsuit alleges sexual abuse by former Diocese of San Diego priest. CBS8.
- 27
(2021, June 9). Two lawsuits to be filed against former California priest Craig Harrison, attorneys say.